Kamis, 27 Mei 2010

medley so cool... i like it

nie keren banget... kalian wajib liet... enjoy

very sad moment

u must know that Nicky n Kian's dad passed away last year n their latest album has the song "i'll see u again" which is for those who have lost their loved ones..
there's this moment in the where we are concert that'll break ur heart, it's when they were singing the song and nicky was so sad that he couldn't sing his solo line which is "i miss u like crazy..". he looked so devastated n heart broken n when it's almost his part, he talked to mark n let shane sang his line...

u can see the vid here...

tweet from nicky byrne

nickybyrneoffic itu nm twitter x nicky... dy sempet ngebalas tweet dari westlife indonesia...
kan westlifeindo nanya ngirim kaya gini
Hello @markusfeehily @nickybyrneoffic @westlifemusic!just want u to know the presence of us westlifeindonesia,could u greet us once?thx alot

trz di blz ma nicky
@WestlifeIndo hello guys sorry we haven't been over in sooo long ! But we will try to return as soon as we can..

mereka akan berusaha sebisa mereka buat kembali ke indonesia... moga aza mereka bisa ke sini tahun depan n secepatnya...

Jumat, 21 Mei 2010

kalo nie cowo, kian, agak playboy gtu dch.... sebelum sma istrinya,jodi, dy sempet sama beberapa cewe....
dy ngakunya sch belum dpt true love, n pas ketemu ma jodi, di situ dy ngerasain x....

mreka baru az sch nikahnya, jadi maklum klo blm punya anak... mreka juga sma" sibuk, jodi penyanyi di girl band wonderland, yang co manager x tuh si kian sendiri....

karena westlife lagi konser where we are, so yg jadi band pembukanya tuh wonderland.... hmm enak bgt si kian bza sma istrinya truz.....

moga langgeng az yah....

nah kalo yang satu nie, nama x si imut shane.... biar sekrang dch ga imut lagi, tetep az di hati fans x dy tuh imut... suaranya juga bagus banget... pengen deh suaranya itu.... suara dy lembut, tenang, jernih... omg.....

kata para personil westlife, mrka rela ngebunuh untk dpt suara kaya shane...

dy dch punya 3 anak, hmm anak pertama cwe, nma x nicol, kedua co nm x patrick, yg ke tiga shane.jr.....

ni cwo juga termasuk setia loh, dy ma istrinya, si gillian, dch lama juga pacaran, sebelum dy jadi westlife....

kalo soal rumah, wih gede bagt rumahnya, kaya istana, beneran dech... mw deh aku jadi babysitter x....hahaha...
now si keren nicky... nie cowo mang ga da mati nya.... pke apa az keren abies.. apa lagi waktu konser... beuuhhhh....
siapa sch ga pengen ma nie cowo.... walaupun dch pnya 2 anak, gayanya tetep cool.... dy juga setia lo, buktinya, dy sma istrinya, si gina dch lama bgt pcrn, mereka mulai pcrn wktu umur nicky 16 thn, hitng sendiri dech berapa tahun..... pengen dch punya pacar yg setia kaya dia... ada ga yah...

anak x cowo, nma x jay n rocco... imut' dch.... kaya ayahnya juga. hahaha...

n yng ga kalah exizt, adik x, si adam... dy bukan artis, tapi penggemarnya bnyk bgt... twitter juga update terus.... ga mau kalah cerita x sma kaka x... hehehe

ga dapet kaka x, adik x pun jadi,,,,,, *ngareeep made on*
ouh marky cakep bgt kan guys dia kaya gini... lebih macho... pengen dech deket ma dy... apa az deh di lakuin demi nieh cowo... dari nguber konser x kemana", sampai ngetwit trz, walaupun ga pernah di blz ma nie cowo.... tapi sayang dy dch jadi milik kevi mcdaid... well dy mantan anggota boyband V... ga terkenal juga sich.... beruntung bgt yah... andai aku yg di sana... lol
so impossible.....

Minggu, 02 Mei 2010

wonderland official

Louis Walsh launches his new girlband (Wonderland) in Belfast’s Odyssey Arena tomorrow night supporting Westlife.

Never one to undersell an act, Louis rang The Diary this week to assure us “we would be blown away” by his latest finds.

“They’re incredible. They’ve got 30 songs and every one a hit,” he told us.

The ‘Where We Are’ tour reaches Dublin’s Croke Park on June 5.

the offcial website is coming soon